Beginner Photography Tips As a full time professional photographer, I come across a great many amateur photographers. They frequently ask me questions related to photography. They have questions about lenses, lighting, exposure, etc. From the way that they phrase their questions, it is clear that photography is merely a very part-time hobby and they have not taken the time to study photography. In the few minutes I have to talk...
Tips to Improve Your Photography I always say that it is better to get it right “in camera” in the first place. Too often a bad photograph simply cannot be fixed and you are left feeling very disappointed that you were unable to capture a moment that felt was significant. Yet, when you are first starting out in photography you “don’t know what you don’t know”. While much of this...
Improve Your Vacation Photography Plan and prepare Good vacation photography does not happen by accident. You need to carefully plan and prepare every aspect of your trip as well as the equipment that you will need for you vacation photography as far in advance as possible. Without careful planning, you may be on the trip of your lifetime on a safari in Africa and find that you filled the only...
Hartford Photographer Creates Exceptional Business Portraits Studies show that people are less likely to click on a LinkedIn profile with only a silhouette of a head and they are less inclined to believe website content without the contributor’s photo. A head shot adds credibility to you and your message. Of course, recognition of the face of the person as an acquaintance also serves as a confirmation that you have the...
Fun Photo 3 I believe there are few things more cute than a baby and puppies! This photo will make you laugh!